When a rich Black debutante enlists the help of a low-level speakeasy manager to identify the head of an underground crime syndicate, the two are thrust into the dangerous world of Prohibition-era Chicago.
The year is 1921, and America is burning. A fire of vice and virtue rages on every shore with Chicago at its beating heart.
Twenty-year-old Nelly Sawyer is the daughter of the alleged “wealthiest Negro in America,” a Kentucky horse breeder whose wealth and prestige catapults his family to the heights of the exclusive, elite Black society. After the unexpected death of her brother—the family’s presumed heir—Nelly goes from being virtually unknown to a premier debutante overnight. But Nelly has aspirations beyond society influence and marriage. For the past year, she has worked undercover as an investigative journalist for the Chicago Defender, sharing the achievements and tribulations of everyday Black people living in the shadow of Jim Crow. Now, her latest assignment thrusts her into the den of a dangerous vice, the so-called Mayor of Maxwell Street.
Charming and mysterious, Jay Shorey strives to balance his connection to the Chicago underworld with his desperate yearning for the refinement and protection of high society. Born to a murdered bi-racial couple in rural Alabama, he knows firsthand what it means to be denied a chance at the American dream. When a tragic turn of fate gave Jay a rare path out, he took it without question. He washed up on Chicago’s storied shores and never looked back, until now.
When Nelly’s and Jay’s paths cross, she recruits him to help expose the Mayor and bring about a lasting change in a corrupted city. Trapped between the monolith of Jim Crow, the inflexible world of the Black upper class, and the violence of Prohibition-era Chicago, Jay and Nelly work together and stoke the flames of a love worth fighting for. And yet, as with all things in America, there is a price to be paid. What risk is Nelly willing to take for a young man willing to risk it all?
King Grim Vasteri is the most feared warrior in the Tornian Empire. Sent by his Emperor, he embarks on a mission to find and retrieve compatible females for their dying civilization.
As the King of Luda, and blood brother to the Emperor, Grim's line is destined to end with him. His scars have rendered him 'unfit' in the eyes of potential mates. The Tornian Empire has been on the brink of extinction ever since the great infection made the birth of females a rarity. However, the discovery of a compatible female on a slave ship offers a glimmer of hope.
Lisa Miller is a widowed mother of two, Carly and Miki. After losing her husband to cancer, she feels no man could ever fill the void in her heart or love her daughters as their own. But her world is turned upside down when she finds herself on an alien ship, separated from her children.
Confronting the large alien males, Lisa demands to be returned to her children. Seeing an opportunity, Grim offers her a deal: he will protect her children if she agrees to Join with him. With no other option to reunite with her children, Lisa agrees, setting in motion changes that will forever alter the Tornian Empire.
Ein Wimpernschlag und mein ganzes Leben stand Kopf. Erneut. Vom ersten Moment an wusste ich, er war der attraktivste Junge, den ich je gesehen hatte. Der Arroganteste. Der Beliebteste. Der Wildeste. Der Einzige, den ich wollte.
Der Mensch, der mir die grausamsten Schmerzen bereitete. Höllenhunde. Apokalyptische Reiter. Verfolgung, Verzweiflung, Wahn. Unendliche Qualen. Er war der Einzige, den ich wollte - und er würde mich am liebsten ins Fegefeuer werfen.
Licht und Dunkelheit. Unschuld und Abgrund. Gut und Böse. Gefühl und Verstand. Er war mein größter Albtraum. Trotzdem hatten wir niemals eine Wahl. Denn eine Welt versucht und zu trennen, indes die andere sich bemüht, uns zusammenzuführen. Beide werden uns prüfen. Dritte entscheiden.
Doch Vereinbarungen, Verträge und Regeln hin oder her, Liebe ist stärker. Es ist unser Kampf für das Schicksal. Weder er, noch ich, sind gewillt zu verlieren. Ja, ich war verdammt. Verdammt verliebt. Und Morgan Vegard? Er ist mein Seelenverwandter.