With her daughter to care for and her abuela to help support, high school senior Emoni Santiago has to make the tough decisions, and do what must be done. The one place she can let her responsibilities go is in the kitchen, where she adds a little something magical to everything she cooks, turning her food into straight-up goodness.
Still, she knows she doesn’t have enough time for her school’s new culinary arts class, doesn’t have the money for the class’s trip to Spain — and shouldn’t still be dreaming of someday working in a real kitchen. But even with all the rules she has for her life — and all the rules everyone expects her to play by — once Emoni starts cooking, her only real choice is to let her talent break free.
Leo ha sedici anni: ama le chiacchiere con gli amici, il calcetto, le scorribande in motorino e vive in perfetta simbiosi con il suo iPod. Le ore di scuola sono uno strazio, i professori sono "una specie protetta che speri si estingua definitivamente".
Così, quando arriva un nuovo supplente di storia e filosofia, lui si prepara ad accoglierlo con cinismo e palline inzuppate di saliva. Ma questo giovane insegnante è diverso: una luce gli brilla negli occhi quando sprona gli studenti a cercare il proprio sogno.
Leo ha un nemico che lo atterrisce: il bianco. Il bianco è l’assenza, tutto ciò che ha a che fare con la privazione e la perdita è bianco. Il rosso invece è il colore dell’amore, della passione, del sangue; rosso è il colore dei capelli di Beatrice. Perché un sogno Leo ce l’ha e si chiama Beatrice, anche se lei ancora non lo sa.
Leo ha anche una realtà, Silvia, una presenza affidabile e serena. Quando scopre che Beatrice è ammalata e che la malattia ha qualcosa a che fare con quel bianco che tanto lo spaventa, Leo dovrà scavare a fondo dentro di sé, sanguinare e rinascere, per capire che i sogni non possono morire e trovare il coraggio di credere in qualcosa di più grande.
"You'll never catch the Phantom," says Grandpa. "That horse is fast as the wind. She's escaped from every roundup on the island!"
But Paul and Maureen want the beautiful wild mare for their very own. "I'm going to capture her myself," says Paul.
When Paul finally overtakes the Phantom, he makes a surprising discovery. Running at her side is a brand-new, silvery-gray colt - Misty!
The son of a prosperous landowner and a former slave, Paul-Edward Logan is unlike any other boy he knows. His white father has acknowledged him and raised him openly—something unusual in post-Civil War Georgia. But as he grows into a man, he learns that life for someone like him is not easy.
Black people distrust him because he looks white. White people discriminate against him when they learn of his black heritage. Even within his own family, he faces betrayal and degradation.
So at the age of fourteen, he sets out toward the only dream he has ever had: to find land every bit as good as his father's and make it his own.
Once again inspired by her own history, Ms. Taylor brings truth and power to the newest addition to the Logan family stories.
Sang Pemimpi adalah sebuah lantunan kisah kehidupan yang memesona dan akan membuat Anda percaya akan tenaga cinta, percaya pada kekuatan mimpi dan pengorbanan, lebih dari itu, akan membuat Anda percaya kepada Tuhan.
Andrea akan membawa Anda berkelana menerobos sudut-sudut pemikiran di mana Anda akan menemukan pandangan yang berbeda tentang nasib, tantangan intelektualitas, dan kegembiraan yang meluap-luap, sekaligus kesedihan yang mengharu biru.
Tampak komikal pada awalnya, selayaknya kenakalan remaja biasa, tapi kemudian tanpa Anda sadari, kisah dan karakter-karakter dalam buku ini lambat laun menguasai Anda. Karena potret-potret kecil yang menawan akan menghentakkan Anda pada rasa humor yang halus namun memiliki efek filosofis yang meresonansi.
Karena arti perjuangan hidup dalam kemiskinan yang membelit dan cita-cita yang gagah berani dalam kisah dua orang tokoh utama buku ini: Arai dan Ikal akan menuntun Anda dengan semacam keanggunan dan daya tarik agar Anda dapat melihat ke dalam diri sendiri dengan penuh pengharapan, agar Anda menolak semua keputusasaan dan ketakberdayaan Anda sendiri.
"Kita tak kan pernah mendahului nasib!" teriak Arai. "Kita akan sekolah ke Prancis, menjelajahi Eropa sampai ke Afrika! Apa pun yang terjadi!"