Books with category Classic Children's Books
Displaying 4 books

Ferien auf Saltkrokan


by Astrid Lindgren

Ferien auf Saltkrokan! Pelle, seine große Schwester Malin und seine beiden Brüder entdecken auf der kleinen Insel die unberührte Natur der schwedischen Schären. Sie baden im Meer, fangen Fische, sammeln Pfifferlinge und feiern Mittsommer.

Nichts aber ist schöner für Pelle, als gemeinsam mit Tjorven, dem Inselmädchen, und ihrem großen Bernhardinerhund Bootsmann über die Felsen und durch den Wald zu streifen und dabei von einem Abenteuer ins nächste zu stolpern.

Sommer, Sonne, Inselspaß! Natur, Sommer und Freundschaft in einer Geschichte vereint: Stürze dich mit Pelle und seinen Freunden auf Abenteuerreise in Schweden und entdeckt gemeinsam die unerforschte Landschaft der Insel Saltkrokan. Der Ferienspaß im Buchformat für Kinder ab neun Jahren.

Ferien auf Saltkrokan – der Klassiker von Kinderbuchautorin Astrid Lindgren.

Esio Trot


by Roald Dahl

Mr. Hoppy is in love with Mrs. Silver, but her heart belongs to Alfie, her pet tortoise. Mr. Hoppy is too shy to approach Mrs. Silver, until one day he comes up with a brilliant idea to win her heart.

If Mr. Hoppy's plan works, Mrs. Silver will certainly fall in love with him. But it's going to take one hundred and forty tortoises, an ancient spell, and a little bit of magic.

Old Turtle


by Douglas Wood

Experience the wisdom of Old Turtle, the bestselling fable that explores society, the environment, and the spirituality they share.

Who is God?

Is He a wind that is never still?

Is He a rock that never moves?

Is He high above or here among us?

Venerable Old Turtle answers quietly: God is all of these things.

Old Turtle first burst upon the publishing scene in 1992, and it was instantly recognized as a classic fable about ecology, peace, and the interconnectedness of all beings. Simple yet profound, it has since brought hope and inspiration to children and adults around the world.

The Little Vampire

Nine-year-old Tony, a horror story enthusiast, is thrilled when a little vampire named Rudolph lands on his windowsill one evening. Together, they embark on a series of hilarious adventures that include visits to Rudolph’s home – The Vampire Family Vault – where Tony narrowly escapes the clutches of the fearsome Great-Aunt Dorothy.

This delightful tale of friendship and adventure is perfect for readers who love a mix of spooks and laughs. Join Tony and Rudolph as they navigate the challenges of being friends from different worlds, all while keeping the secrets of the night.

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