Birds Aren't Real presents what is claimed to be the true story of a vast conspiracy involving mass avian murder and the implementation of a large-scale surveillance campaign in US history.
The book asks a provocative question: Have you ever seen a baby pigeon? It points out the curious absence of baby pigeons from our everyday sights, suggesting that pigeons, and indeed all birds, come out of a factory as fully grown adults. This, the authors argue, is one of the many pieces of evidence for the bird drone surveillance crisis they allege began in 1959, when the Deep State is said to have eradicated over 12 billion birds and replaced them with drone replicas designed to spy on citizens.
Authors Peter McIndoe and Connor Gaydos act as whistleblowers, tracing the roots of what they describe as a political conspiracy so expansive that it might be mistaken for an elaborate hoax. They present themselves as Bird Truthers, risking everything to bring to light information about the surveillance crisis, its proliferation, and the individuals today who are striving to spread awareness and restore America to the ideal of freedom. The book is replete with illustrations, activities, and purportedly leaked classified documents meant to persuade even the most skeptical readers of the authors' claims.
The manifesto is urgent, the cause is pressing, and the question lingers: Will you stand and fight before it's too late?
It’s a magical mystery here right now. More to be unveiled! 🔮.