Steven Kotler

Steven Kotler is an American author, journalist, and entrepreneur renowned for his non-fiction works. Kotler's books delve into a variety of compelling subjects, with titles such as Abundance, A Small Furry Prayer, West of Jesus, Bold, The Rise of Superman, and Stealing Fire. His insights into human performance and potential have not only earned a place on bestseller lists but also sparked conversations across various disciplines.

As a co-founder and director of research for the Flow Genome Project, Kotler explores the frontiers of human capabilities. His interests are not confined to the written word; his passion extends to the wider implications of his research on society and technology. His journalistic prowess is showcased across numerous publications, such as The New York Times Magazine, The Atlantic Monthly, Wired, GQ, Outside, Popular Science, Men's Journal, and Discover. Kotler also contributes to the digital space with his blogs "Far Frontiers" for and "The Playing Field" for

He lives in New Mexico, where the vast landscapes complement his expansive exploration of the human condition.

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