Robin Moger

Robin Moger is a celebrated British translator known for his contributions to the field of Arabic literature. His work has been instrumental in bringing the voices of Arabic authors to an English-speaking audience.

Among his notable translations are:

  • Vertigo by Ahmed Mourad
  • A Dog With No Tail by Hamdi Abu Golayel
  • All The Battles by Maan Abu Taleb
  • Otared by Mohammad Rabie
  • Women of Karantina by Nael Eltoukhy
  • The Book of Safety by Yasser Abdel Hafez
  • Where Pigeons Don't Fly by Yousef Al-Mohaimeed
  • The Crocodiles by Youssef Rakha

His excellence in translation was recognized when he won the 2017 Banipal Prize for his translation of The Book of Safety by Yasser Abdel Hafez. Moger currently resides in Cape Town.

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