Robert B. Cialdini

Robert Beno Cialdini, born April 27, 1945, is an esteemed American psychologist renowned for his groundbreaking work in the realm of psychology and marketing. Holding the prestigious title of Regents' Professor Emeritus of Psychology and Marketing at Arizona State University, Cialdini has also contributed his expertise as a visiting professor of marketing, business, and psychology at Stanford University.

Dr. Cialdini's illustrious career is dedicated to unraveling the science of influence, a journey that has garnered him an international reputation as a leading authority in the fields of persuasion, compliance, and negotiation. His seminal work, Influence: Science & Practice, is a cornerstone in the study of how and why people comply with requests in business contexts. This influential book has sold over two million copies worldwide, been translated into twenty-five languages, and solidified Cialdini's standing as the most cited living social psychologist globally.

Moreover, Dr. Cialdini's recent co-authored book, Yes! 50 Scientifically Proven Ways to be Persuasive, has achieved significant acclaim, landing on prestigious bestseller lists including the New York Times, USA Today, and Wall Street Journal. Dr. Cialdini's extensive research and profound contributions to the field of influence and persuasion continue to shape and inform the discipline, making his work indispensable for understanding the dynamics of human behavior in business and beyond.

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