Peter Alan Levine is an American psychotraumatologist, biophysicist, and psychologist. He is renowned for founding and offering lectures, advanced training, and seminars on Somatic Experiencing (SE)SIBAM (sensation, image, behavior, affect, and meaning). According to Levine, a complete phenomenological experience is achieved with the simultaneous activation of these five aspects.
Levine argues that trauma disrupts the coherence of experience by creating fragmentation. For instance, an image can trigger an affect, such as black rubber boots prompting the impulse to flee. In such cases, the present ('here and now') transforms into the past ('there and then'). He critiques cognitive behavioral therapy for focusing on cognition and behavior while neglecting sensation, image, and affect, which are crucial for coherent experience.
In October 2010, Levine was honored with the Lifetime Achievement Award from the American Association of Body Psychotherapists. Furthermore, in September 2024, he appeared as a guest on the The Mental Illness Happy Hour podcast.