Margaret Heffernan

Margaret Heffernan is an entrepreneur, CEO, writer, and keynote speaker. She is a professor of Practice at the University of Bath School of Management in the UK. Formerly the chief executive officer of five businesses, Heffernan is the author of five books that delve into business and leadership.

Heffernan's work primarily focuses on leadership and entrepreneurship, with a keen interest in their impact on women in the workplace. Her books and teachings emphasize the importance of recognizing and cultivating the often suppressed potential within organizations. This potential, Heffernan believes, is frequently undervalued and under-rewarded due to its unconventional nature.

In her earlier career, Heffernan produced dozens of documentaries and dramas for BBC Radio, where she worked for five years. She also made significant contributions to television as a documentary filmmaker for Timewatch, Arena, and Newsnight. Notably, she produced Out of the Doll's House, a prize-winning documentary series about the history of women in the twentieth century.

Heffernan also designed and executive produced a thirteen-part series on The French Revolution for the BBC and A&E, featuring renowned actors such as Alan Rickman and Alfred Molina.

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