Mackenzi Lee

Mackenzi Lee, born MacKenzie Van Engelenhoven, is a distinguished American author, known for her significant contributions to the world of children's and young adult literature. Her works straddle both fiction and non-fiction, exploring various themes such as sexuality and the historical roles of women. Lee's educational background includes a Master of Fine Arts (MFA) from Simmons College, which has provided a solid foundation for her literary pursuits.

Lee's writing is characterized by its depth and historical accuracy, making her a beloved figure among readers who appreciate the intertwining of history with compelling storytelling. She is particularly renowned for her contributions to historical fiction and non-fiction genres.

Outside of her literary work, Lee actively maintains a connection with her audience through her website and other forms of digital presence. Despite her decision to no longer use Goodreads or accept friend requests, Lee's influence continues to resonate with fans across the globe.

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