Henrietta Bollinger

Henrietta (they/them) is a Pākehā writer and activist, born and based in Te Whanganui a Tara, Wellington where they live with a fellow disabled artist and a cat. 

When they were little, writing about disability felt too ordinary and mundane so they wrote about magic cats, butterfly sandwiches,  and bands of thieves instead. They began writing about real life in 2009. Etta writes in a number of forms. They have had plays staged here and overseas and poetry published in Aotearoa and Australia. 

During their studies at Te Herenga Waka University,  they established the Salient column Token Cripple with a focus on disability rights. This became the basis of  this book. 

Articulations was funded by Creative New Zealand and The Copyright Licensing Trust.  They were mentored by Pip Adam. Articulations is their first book. 

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