Anne Helen Petersen

Anne Helen Petersen is an American writer and journalist known for her in-depth cultural analysis. Petersen's career took off as she became a Senior Culture Writer for BuzzFeed, a role she held until August 2020. Following her tenure at BuzzFeed, Petersen embraced the world of independent journalism and began writing full-time for her newsletter called Culture Study on the Substack platform.

Her expertise in the realm of celebrity culture is not merely derived from her journalistic endeavors; Petersen holds an actual Ph.D. in the subject, which adds a layer of academic rigor to her work. In addition to her articles for BuzzFeed, her voice has resonated in the opinion section of The New York Times, where she has contributed articles on a range of topics. Beyond her regular contributions, Petersen's work has been recognized for its keen insights and thought-provoking perspectives, making her a respected figure in the field of cultural commentary.

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