Books with category Women
Displaying books 241-244 of 244 in total

Little Women

Louisa May Alcott's classic tale of four sisters.

Grown-up Meg, tomboyish Jo, timid Beth, and precocious Amy. The four March sisters couldn't be more different. But with their father away at war, and their mother working to support the family, they have to rely on one another. Whether they're putting on a play, forming a secret society, or celebrating Christmas, there's one thing they can't help wondering: Will Father return home safely?

It is no secret that Alcott based Little Women on her own early life. While her father, the freethinking reformer and abolitionist Bronson Alcott, hobnobbed with such eminent male authors as Emerson, Thoreau, and Hawthorne, Louisa supported herself and her sisters with "woman’s work,” including sewing, doing laundry, and acting as a domestic servant. But she soon discovered she could make more money writing. Little Women brought her lasting fame and fortune, and far from being the "girl’s book” her publisher requested, it explores such timeless themes as love and death, war and peace, the conflict between personal ambition and family responsibilities, and the clash of cultures between Europe and America.

Pride and Prejudice


by Jane Austen

'It is a truth universally acknowledged, that a single man in possession of a good fortune must be in want of a wife.' Thus memorably begins Jane Austen's Pride and Prejudice, one of the world's most popular novels.

Pride and Prejudice is an 1813 novel of manners written by Jane Austen. The novel follows the character development of Elizabeth Bennet, the dynamic protagonist of the book who learns about the repercussions of hasty judgments and comes to appreciate the difference between superficial goodness and actual goodness.

Mr. Bennet, owner of the Longbourn estate in Hertfordshire, has five daughters, but his property is entailed and can only be passed to a male heir. His wife also lacks an inheritance, so his family faces becoming very poor upon his death. Thus, it is imperative that at least one of the girls marry well to support the others, which is a motivation that drives the plot.

Bidadari Bidadari Surga

Bidadari-Bidadari Surga bercerita tentang pengorbanan seorang kakak, Laisa, untuk adik-adiknya - Dalimunte, Ikanuri, Wibisana, dan Yashinta - di Lembah Lahambay agar adik-adiknya dapat melanjutkan pendidikan mereka. Meski ia harus bekerja di terik matahari setiap hari, mengolah gula aren setiap jam 4 pagi, serta di malam hari menganyam rotan, Laisa tetap berjuang.

Meski pada dasarnya keempat adik-adiknya tersebut berasal dari darah yang berbeda dengan dirinya, Laisa digambarkan sebagai kakak yang galak dan tegas, mengejar-ngejar adiknya yang bolos sekolah dengan rotan dan ranting kayu. Di sisi lain, kontradiktif dengan fisiknya yang gempal, gendut, berkulit hitam, wajah yang tidak proporsional, ditambah dengan rambut gimbal serta ukuran tubuhnya yang tidak normal, lebih pendek, Laisa sesungguhnya adalah tipe kakak yang mendukung adik-adiknya.

Laisa rela mengorbankan diri untuk keselamatan ‘dua anak nakal’ Ikanuri dan Wibisana dari siluman Gunung Kendeng, serta mati-matian mencari obat bagi kesembuhan adiknya Yashinta yang diserang demam panas hingga kejang pada suatu malam.

Forever Amber

Abandoned pregnant and penniless on the teeming streets of London, 16-year-old Amber St. Clare manages, by using her wits, beauty, and courage, to climb to the highest position a woman could achieve in Restoration England—that of favorite mistress of the Merry Monarch, Charles II. From whores and highwaymen to courtiers and noblemen, from events such as the Great Plague and the Fire of London to the intimate passions of ordinary—and extraordinary—men and women, Amber experiences it all. But throughout her trials and escapades, she remains, in her heart, true to the one man she really loves, the one man she can never have. Frequently compared to Gone with the Wind, Forever Amber is the other great historical romance, outselling every other American novel of the 1940s—despite being banned in Boston for its sheer sexiness. A book to read and reread, this edition brings back to print an unforgettable romance and a timeless masterpiece.

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