Books with category Vintage Reads
Displaying 2 books



by Agatha Christie

In utter disbelief, Jane Marple read the letter addressed to her from the recently deceased Mr. Rafiel — an acquaintance she had met briefly on her travels. He had left instructions for her to investigate a crime after his death. The only problem was, he had failed to tell her who was involved or where and when the crime had been committed. It was most intriguing.

Soon she is faced with a new crime — the ultimate crime — murder. It seems someone is adamant that past evils remain buried...

The Other


by Thomas Tryon

Entranced and terrified, the reader of The Other is swept up in the life of a Connecticut country town in the thirties—and in the fearful mysteries that slowly darken and overwhelm it.

Originally published in 1971, The Other is one of the most influential horror novels ever written. Its impeccable recreation of small-town life and its skillful handling of the theme of personality transference between thirteen-year-old twins led to widespread critical acclaim for the novel.

The book tells the chilling story of the Perry twins, Niles and Holland. They are identical 13-year-old twins, close enough to almost read each other’s thoughts, yet they couldn’t be more different. Holland is bold and mischievous, a bad influence, while Niles is kind and eager to please. As the summer goes on, Holland’s pranks become increasingly sinister, and Niles finds he can no longer make excuses for his brother’s actions.

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