Books with category Quantum Quirks
Displaying 2 books

Matching Configurations: QUANTUM ROOTS III


by Kyle Keyes

Matching Configurations is the second sequel to Quantum Roots, a light Sci-Fi adventure story that features everyday Olan Chapman as a hero vigilante who defends the weak and helpless victims of today's society. Like the first two editions of Quantum Roots, Matching Configurations is based on a growing belief that creation forms from recycled energy, and people evolve from recycled quarks. The book contains more humor than science, as Chapman returns to Earth as someone he once was, and manages to elude Director of Paranormal Affairs, Lt General Alexis Grumman, who keeps both feet on the ground, while her young lover, Jeremy Wade goes cloud bound in a supersonic motor scooter that flies.

Book has some content not suitable for readers under 18.

Quantum Roots


by Kyle Keyes

Jesse Joe Jacks was born sometime during the snow blizzard of 1923. The Lower Elk County game warden died from a lightning strike on July 23, 1959. Olan Chapman came to life in August of 1974 and found a computer career with a center city, electronics firm. Jacks loved nature and lived to protect wild life. Jesse Joe was also a crack shot with a firearm - any firearm. Olan Chapman attended the theater, played piano and once led a march against the National Rifle Association. Jacks fought in the Korean War and never drank anything stronger than beer. Chapman battled a war from within, and never sipped anything lighter than rum and coke. Both men had the same fingerprints, much to the chagrin of Lt General Alexis Grumman, federal director for para normal activities. QUANTUM ROOTS is based on the belief that people form from recycled energy.

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