Books with category 📚 Non-Fiction
Displaying books 1537-1540 of 1540 in total

What You Are Not Being Told About Vaccines: Find out now Before its too Late... Welcome to the Year of Truth 2019 (What You Are Not Being Told About Vacines #1)

America has had it with Smoke Screens, Mirrors, and Fake News. We are being heard and making a difference.

One voice can change the world. One heart can lead to healing. One answer can lead to truth. One word can lead to encouragement. One time in history can lead to hope. One book can lead to strength. One movement can lead to victory.

This book is dedicated to those who seek the truth. May the Lord guide you to a higher level of enlightenment.

Why We Never Repeat Jokes?

Sit-down comedy? A phenom that should never be a phenomenon. Late great comedians Robin Williams, Charlie Murphy, Joan Rivers, Greg Giraldo, Don Rickles are turning over in their graves with a thorn in their side. Take my word: Share & salvage the little wit being reserved by the only true /real comedian to have ever graced the stage. Otherwise you ought'a be ashamed of yourselves!

You Can Heal Your Life

Louise’s key message in this powerful work is: “If we are willing to do the mental work, almost anything can be healed.”

Louise explains how limiting beliefs and ideas are often the cause of illness, and how you can change your thinking… and improve the quality of your life.

كزهر اللوز أو أبعد

في هذا الكتاب يبدو أن محمود درويش ما زال قادراً على الإدهاش ومنح الشعر العربي مزيداً من الأناقة والجاذبية المسيطرة في وقت يتراجع فيه ذلك الشعر ويسترسل في هذيانية بائسة وجهل مطبق.

هنا يسأل درويش الشعر ويقيم حواجز للبلاغة وينقضّ على العبارة المعلبة في تمرد أسلوبي على المعنى والصورة في سياق اختراق للمفاهيم المتعارف عليها والمكررة والمملة.

إنها أسئلة الشعر الأصلية من السرير وفاتورة الكهرباء إلى نخلة السومرية إلى نيويورك إلى وردة أريحا.. ونحن نلهث وراء الشاعر الذي يسابق الزمن ويحاول المستحيل.

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