8 octobre 1908 : Adolf Hitler recalé. Que se serait-il passé si l'École des beaux-arts de Vienne en avait décidé autrement? Que serait-il arrivé si, cette minute-là, le jury avait accepté et non refusé Adolf Hitler, flatté puis épanoui ses ambitions d'artiste?
Cette minute-là aurait changé le cours d'une vie, celle du jeune, timide et passionné Adolf Hitler, mais elle aurait aussi changé le cours du monde...
Libra is a powerful, eerily convincing fictional speculation on the assassination of John F. Kennedy. Authored by Don DeLillo, this novel chronicles Lee Harvey Oswald's odyssey from a troubled teenager to a man of precarious stability who imagines himself an agent of history.
When "history" presents itself in the form of two disgruntled CIA operatives, they decide that an unsuccessful attempt on the life of the president will galvanize the nation against communism. The scales are irrevocably tipped, leading to a gripping, masterful blend of fact and fiction.
The novel is alive with meticulously portrayed characters, both real and created. Libra is a grave, haunting, and brilliant examination of an event that has become an indelible part of the American psyche.