Books with category ⚪️⚫️ Good vs Evil
Displaying 2 books

The Shadow of What Was Lost


by James Islington

As destiny calls, a journey begins. It has been twenty years since the god-like Augurs were overthrown and killed. Now, those who once served them - the Gifted - are spared only because they have accepted the rebellion's Four Tenets, vastly limiting their powers. As a Gifted, Davian suffers the consequences of a war lost before he was even born. He and others like him are despised.

But when Davian discovers he wields the forbidden power of the Augurs, he sets into motion a chain of events that will change everything. To the west, a young man whose fate is intertwined with Davian's wakes up in the forest, covered in blood and with no memory of who he is... And in the far north, an ancient enemy long thought defeated begins to stir.

The Licanius Trilogy is a relentless coming-of-age epic from the very first page.

約束のネバーランド 2

GFハウスから「全員」で逃げ出す為の訓練を開始したエマ達。そんな彼らに監視者・クローネの魔の手が!? 更に新たな「仲間」を得た彼らを待っていたのは…。永遠の子供達よ、絶望に立ち向かえ! 衝撃の脱獄ファンタジー!!

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