Books with category Dragon Lore
Displaying 2 books

Nerilka's Story


by Anne McCaffrey

A deadly epidemic was sweeping across Pern! Everyone, holder and dragonrider alike, pitched in to help—except Nerilka’s father, who refused to share Fort Hold’s bounty with the other Holds.

So, ashamed of her family and determined to do her part, Nerilka packed up medicines and supplies and sneaked off to aid her people. Her quest to help wherever she was most needed led her finally to Ruatha Hold, where Lord Alessan was frantically preparing the precious serum needed for mass inoculations against the dread plague.

Nerilka had long ago abandoned her hope of marriage and a home of her own. Now she found happiness in being useful and appreciated—first the Healers and then Alessan made very clear that they were grateful for her help.

She had no idea that her new path would change the course of her life forever!

Hunt for the Star

Victory is not judged by benevolence. A hero is not forged by the good deeds they commit, but rather by how many bad deeds they do whilst remaining true to the journey.

The Eldon Star is the last remnant power of a long extinct dynasty of Dragon Deities. Tasked with retrieving it is the aging warrior, Artos Hestrom, who utilizes lies and deception just as frequently as blades and glory to procure who and what he wants.

Standing in his way is the evil Sorcerer, Ruehl, who uses his minions to relentlessly scour the land for the crystal. Betrayals, challenges, and the ever-lingering threat of death loom over the heroes as entire armies are drawn into the conflict.

The world of Edoria is at war as the hunt for the Star begins…

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