A Trip to the Stars takes you on an extraordinary journey beginning in Manhattan, where ten-year-old Loren is kidnapped from his young adoptive aunt, Mala. Over the next 15 years, Loren travels to realms both real and imaginary.
Separated by a mysterious abduction orchestrated by his wealthy and eccentric great-uncle, the story unfolds with a blend of imagination, scholarship, and suspense. Nicholas Christopher weaves an epic tale of love and destiny, where the characters' lives are intricately linked in ways they cannot even begin to imagine.
In this lavishly inventive novel, Loren's journey introduces him to a world of wonder, while Mala embarks on her own adventurous path, hoping to overcome the losses that have transformed her life. Their stories remain separate yet intertwined, leading to a final miraculous chapter that will leave readers mesmerized.
The characters here are on vacation. They'll be back with more tales! ๐๏ธ.