Sing You Home tells the poignant story of Zoe Baxter, a music therapist who has spent a decade longing to start a family. Her dreams shatter when she suffers infertility issues, leading to the heartbreaking end of her marriage with her husband, Max.
As Zoe navigates the complexities of her new life, she unexpectedly finds love again with Vanessa, a school counselor. Together, they envision a future filled with hope and the possibility of raising a family. However, Zoe's past is not entirely behind her. Max, now influenced by newfound religious beliefs, challenges Zoe's right to her embryos, leading to a gripping court battle.
Jodi Picoult masterfully explores themes of love, identity, and what truly defines a family. Sing You Home is a powerful narrative that questions societal norms and the rights of individuals to choose their path.
No villains here... yet! Stay tuned for more intrigue. ๐ฆนโโ๏ธ.