When Olivia Villalobos finds a bloodstained love letter, she endeavors to deliver it before Chief Inspector Sedeño discovers it in her possession.
A city along the southern coast of Puerto Rico emerges in the aftermath of the Spanish-American War. Olivia, the daughter of a drunkard police investigator who never knew the truth behind her mother’s disappearance, finds a bloodstained love letter in the hidden compartment of her father’s coat. Convinced it belonged to the man recently found dead, she sets out to deliver it to the Labyrinth of Love Letters.
This mysterious place is believed to be an urban legend where the transients of forbidden love leave missives for one another. She enlists the help of Isaac Quintero to find the Labyrinth, and they soon realize their quest has opened the door into Old Sienna’s darkest secrets—the perils, madness, and depth of tragic love.
No tales to tell here. A perfect spot for new legends! 🐉.