Felix Alexander is a Mexican-born, American-raised novelist and poet of Spanish, Mexican, and Puerto Rican descent.
Acclaimed by readers for his poetic prose, his indie releases include:
- Dear Love: Diary of a Man's Desire, a collection of love letters and poems (Forever Poetic series #1)
- The Romantic: A Love Story (Forever Poetic series #2)
- Romantic Musings (Forever Poetic series #3)
- The Book of Danielle (Forever Poetic series #4)
- Shadows of Time: The Amulet of Alamin
- The Secret of Heaven (Book 1 of the Aiden Leonardo Series)
- The Secret of Scripture (Book 2 of the Aiden Leonardo Series)
- The Secret of God's Banker (Book 3 of the Aiden Leonardo series)
- The Last Valentine (A Labyrinth of Love Letters novel)