That Hideous Strength, the final installment of the Space Trilogy by C.S. Lewis, unfolds a dark narrative set against the looming threats of World War II. This novel serves as a timeless parable, cherished across generations not only for its captivating storytelling but also for its profound moral insights. At the heart of this tale is Dr. Elwin Ransom, a character of remarkable brilliance, clarity, and courage, inspired by Lewis's close friend J.R.R. Tolkien.
In this narrative, the forces of darkness, previously thwarted in Out of the Silent Planet and Perelandra, gather for an all-out assault on Earth itself. Rumors abound that the legendary wizard Merlin has returned, offering ultimate power to those who can control him. Amidst this turmoil, a nefarious technocratic organization, N.I.C.E. (the National Institute of Coordinated Experiments), emerges, aiming to 'recondition' society with Merlin's aid. Dr. Ransom assembles a counterforce, Logres, setting the stage for a climactic showdown that concludes the trilogy in a spectacular fashion.
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