The Foundation Trilogy is a monumental work in the annals of science fiction, spanning a thousand-year epic and a galactic struggle. It begins a new chapter in the story of humanity's future as the Old Empire crumbles into barbarism across the million worlds of the galaxy. Hari Seldon and his band of psychologists must create a new entity, the Foundation, dedicated to art, science, and technology, as the beginning of a new empire.
Foundation lays the groundwork for this new chapter, while Foundation and Empire describes the mighty struggle for power amid the chaos of the stars, where humanity stands at the threshold of a new enlightened life that could be easily destroyed by the old forces of barbarism. Second Foundation follows the Seldon Plan after the First Empire's defeat and details its greatest threatโa dangerous mutant strain gone wild, capable of bending men's wills, directing their thoughts, reshaping their desires, and potentially destroying the universe.
A legend in the making. Await the taleโs unfolding! ๐.