Firekeeper's Daughter by Angeline Boulley is an exhilarating young adult novel that delves into the life of Daunis Fontaine, a biracial, unenrolled tribal member who finds herself in the midst of a harrowing FBI investigation.
Daunis's world is already complicated, being caught between her hometown and the nearby Ojibwe reservation. After a family tragedy, she is forced to put her own dreams aside to look after her mother. The only glimmer of hope comes from Jamie, the alluring new member of her brother's hockey team.
The story takes a dark turn when Daunis witnesses a chilling murder, catapulting her into a convoluted criminal investigation. Agreeing to go undercover, she navigates a labyrinth of deceit, with the death toll rising and danger closing in on her own life. Daunis must confront a crucial question: how much is she willing to risk for her community, even if it means unraveling the threads of the world she knows?
Characters on a break. They are off living their stories! 🏖️.