Rocannon's World

Rocannon's World, authored by Ursula K. Le Guin, unfolds on a remote world inhabited by three native races: the subterranean Gdemiar, the ethereal Fiia, and the valiant warrior clan, the Liuar. Earth scientist Rocannon has been conducting an ethnological survey on this technologically unsophisticated planet when it is abruptly besieged by a fleet of starships, insurgents against the League of All Worlds.

As the sole survivor of his survey team, Rocannon finds himself stranded among alien cultures. He takes up the mantle of leadership to liberate this newly discovered world from its invaders, becoming a legend in the process, as he wages a resistance that will have tales told of his heroism for ages to come.

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Review by catpow3r
Likeless so far. Lead the way

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