Susan Kay

Susan Kay, born in 1953, is a distinguished British writer renowned for her two award-winning novels: Legacy and Phantom. Kay's Phantom intricately expands upon the backstory of Erik, the enigmatic character from Gaston Leroux's The Phantom of the Opera. This novel uniquely presents its narrative through an episodic format, showcasing seven different perspectives from various characters.

Kay's initial literary success, Legacy, delves into the life of Queen Elizabeth I. This novel garnered acclaim, winning both a Georgette Heyer Historical Novel Prize and a Betty Trask Award in 1985. Before dedicating herself to writing, Kay worked as a primary school teacher. She eventually left this profession to focus on her family, residing with her husband and two children in Cheshire.

Contrary to some reports, Kay did not travel to Iran for research on her novel. However, she conducted in-person research at the Paris Opera House, adding a layer of authentic detail to her work.

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