Roxane Gay is a renowned American writer, professor, editor, and social commentator. Her writing has appeared in prestigious publications such as Best American Mystery Stories 2014, Best American Short Stories 2012, and Best Sex Writing 2012. She contributes opinion pieces to The New York Times and has authored several acclaimed books, including Ayiti, An Untamed State, the New York Times bestselling Bad Feminist, the nationally bestselling Difficult Women, and the New York Times bestselling memoir Hunger: A Memoir of My Body. Additionally, she wrote World of Wakanda for Marvel.
Gay holds the Gloria Steinem Endowed Chair in Media, Culture, and Feminist Studies at Rutgers University. Her academic journey included positions as an assistant professor at Eastern Illinois University and as an associate professor of English at Purdue University, where she was tenured. In 2018, she became a visiting professor at Yale University, and joined Rutgers University in 2022.
Beyond academia, Gay is the founder of Tiny Hardcore Press, the essays editor for The Rumpus, and the editor for Gay Mag, launched in collaboration with Medium. She also runs a newsletter titled The Audacity, where she hosts The Audacious Book Club.