Rose Christo is a writer who gained attention due to her alleged involvement with the infamous Harry Potter fan fiction titled My Immortal. This fan fiction was published on between 2006 and 2007 and is well-known for its convoluted narrative, grammar and spelling errors, and plot inconsistencies. The work centers around a non-canonical female vampire character named "Ebony Dark'ness Dementia Raven Way" and her relationships within the Harry Potter universe.
Initially, the authorship of My Immortal was attributed to the username "XXXbloodyrists666XXX", and the name "Tara Gilesbie" was given. In September 2017, Rose Christo claimed that she was one of the co-authors and provided evidence to Macmillan Publishers. However, controversy arose regarding factual errors in her memoirs, leading to ongoing disputes about her authorship of the fan fiction. Despite the uncertainties, My Immortal has inspired various derivative works and remains a topic of interest in fan fiction culture.