Robin McKinley

Robin McKinley, born Jennifer Carolyn Robin McKinley on November 16, 1952, is an acclaimed American author renowned for her enchanting fantasy novels and fairy tale retellings. McKinley's storytelling prowess was acknowledged when her 1984 novel The Hero and the Crown received the prestigious Newbery Medal, recognizing it as the year's best new American children's book. In 2022, her exceptional contributions to the realms of science fiction and fantasy were further celebrated as she was named the 39th Damon Knight Memorial Grand Master by the Science Fiction and Fantasy Writers Association.

Born in Warren, Ohio, McKinley was the only child in a Navy family, which meant moving around frequently. This transient lifestyle, coupled with her voracious reading habit, laid the foundation for her imaginative storytelling. McKinley has a unique way of marking the timeline of her life through the books she reads; for instance, she encountered Andrew Lang's Blue Fairy Book in California, The Chronicles of Narnia in New York, The Lord of the Rings in Japan, and The Once and Future King in Maine. This deep connection to books from a young age has been a constant source of inspiration for her writing.

McKinley's educational journey took her to Gould Academy, a preparatory school, where she further nurtured her passion for literature.

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