Robert Charles Wilson is an American-Canadian science fiction author. Born on December 15, 1953, he initially published his works under the pseudonym Bob Chuck Wilson. Wilson's career in science fiction writing began with his first novel, A Hidden Place, published in 1986. Since then, he has authored several acclaimed works such as Darwinia, Blind Lake, and the Hugo Award-winning novel Spin.
Wilson is renowned for developing science fiction narratives that blend intricate scientific concepts with well-crafted characters. His exceptional work has earned him numerous awards. Notably, he received the prestigious Hugo Award for Spin, the John W. Campbell Memorial Award for The Chronoliths, and multiple Aurora Awards for Blind Lake, Darwinia, and the short story The Perseids. Additionally, he was honored with the Philip K. Dick Award for Mysterium.
Raised in Canada after being born in California, Wilson became a Canadian citizen in 2007. His contributions to science fiction have been recognized by prominent publications, including the New York Times, where his books have been highly rated.