**Pittacus Lore** is the collective pseudonym used by authors James Frey and Jobie Hughes, among others, for the creation of the *Lorien Legacies* series. This series of young adult science fiction books was published by HarperCollins between August 2010 and June 2016. The series includes titles such as *I Am Number Four*, *The Power of Six*, and *The Rise of Nine*. The name Pittacus Lore is used to give an aura of mystique and other-worldliness to the series, as Pittacus Lore is described as Lorien's ruling Elder, preparing for a war on Earth in the series' narrative. The series title is derived from Tolkien's *Lord of the Rings*, referencing the Elf realm, Lothlorien, also called Lorien, meaning "dreamflower."