Lucy Sante

Lucy Sante, formerly known as Luc Sante, was born on May 25, 1954, in Verviers, Belgium. Sante is a Belgian-born American writer, critic, and artist, known for her contributions to The New York Review of Books and her insightful exploration of urban history and culture, particularly that of New York City.

Her celebrated book Low Life: Lures and Snares of Old New York (1991) vividly portrays the everyday lives of Manhattan's inhabitants in the latter half of the 19th century, making a significant impact on the understanding of the city's social history. Her literary criticism has been a regular feature in The New York Review of Books, and she has also delved into the realm of photography, a subject she teaches at Bard College, located in upstate New York.

Sante's work often reflects a fascination with those on the fringes of society. She explores underground cultures, urban subcultures, the overlooked, the lost, immigrants, and the spectrum of failed ambitions and cheap entertainments, along with certain criminal elements. In addition to her writing and teaching, Sante has translated avant-garde French authors and curated collections that bring to light the narratives and memoirs of former thieves and criminals.

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