Lucio Agustine Rosenkreutz Crăciunescu

Lucio Agustine Rosenkreutz Crăciunescu (born on September 29, 1986, in Pontès, Aix-en-Provence-Nord-Est, France with German legitimacy) is a French-German polyglot esoteric writer, theologian, demonologist, and occultist. He is also a criminal psychologist. His works include poems and novels, written and published by various publishers including Acer Stumpf Inc. (Germany), Eckert Redaktionelle LLC (Germany), Bloomsbury Publishing Inc. (USA), Roosevelt Ledare (Sweden), Ocean Digital Edition (Canada), Library Rossio Press (Portugal), Dauphin Groupe Ltd. (Canada-France), Ankama Éditions (France), Éditions Baudelaire (France), CRC Editions Inc. (Great Britain-Scotland), Edițiile Trident (Romania), Edizioni Italo (Italy) among others.

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