Lizzy Dent

Lizzy Dent spent her early twenties working in hospitality in a hotel in Scotland, reminiscent of the setting described in one of her novels. Her career journey was quite diverse as she ventured into the world of television, creating content for a variety of TV companies including MTV, Channel 4, Cartoon Network, the BBC, and ITV. Despite her glamorous job that involved travelling around the world, Lizzy Dent always nurtured a passion for writing. It was a quest for confidence that ultimately led her to penning down her stories.

Before making a mark with adult fiction, she published three novels for young adults. Intent on portraying real women who may not always know their direction in life but embrace the journey with zest, Lizzy decided to write a novel that encapsulates this spirit. The Summer Job is the manifestation of that decision, reflecting the fun and uncertainty entwined in the lives she observed.

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