Lindy West

Lindy West is an American writer, comedian, and activist. She is well-known for her essay collections, Shrill: Notes from a Loud Woman and The Witches Are Coming. Lindy is also a contributing opinion writer for The New York Times. Her writing covers topics such as feminism, popular culture, and the fat acceptance movement.

Lindy West is a columnist at The Guardian and a contributor to This American Life. She is a freelance writer whose work focuses on feminism, social justice, humor, and body image. Her work has appeared in publications including the New York Times, Cosmopolitan, GQ, Vulture, Jezebel, and The Stranger.

Additionally, she is the founder of I Believe You, It's Not Your Fault, an advice blog for teens, and the reproductive rights destigmatization campaign #ShoutYourAbortion.

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