Libba Bray

Martha Elizabeth "Libba" Bray, born on March 11, 1964, is a distinguished American writer renowned for her compelling young adult novels. Among her celebrated works are the Gemma Doyle Trilogy, Going Bovine, and The Diviners. Libba Bray's storytelling prowess has captured the hearts of readers worldwide, drawing them into her intricately crafted universes that blend historical depth with captivating narrative.

Despite the formalities of an author's bio, Bray embraces the human aspects that make her relatable. Born in Alabama and having spent a significant portion of her life in Texas, she now resides in New York City with her husband and son. Beyond the basic facts of her lifeโ€”such as her freckles, a lopsided smile, and an allergy to penicillinโ€”Libba Bray shares intriguing personal anecdotes. One such tale is her childhood memory of sticking a bead up her nose while engrossed in television, a testament to the quirky, human oddities that shape us.

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