Kirsten Miller is an American novelist known for her engaging stories and imaginative plots. She is the creator of the Kiki Strike book series, which began with Kiki Strike: Inside the Shadow City in 2006. The series follows the adventures of Kiki Strike, Ananka Fishbein, and their friends exploring secret tunnels and rooms beneath New York City. The story was inspired by an actual event in 2001, when the front lawn of a Manhattan nursing home collapsed to reveal an underground room.
Miller has also ventured into new series, such as The Eternal Ones, released on August 10, 2010. She co-authored a children's series with Jason Segel titled Nightmares!, with the first book released in the fall of 2014.
Her recent work includes Lula Dean's Little Library of Banned Books, a satire addressing controversial contemporary issues, and her first adult novel, The Change, which was featured as a Good Morning America Book Club pick for May 2022.
Born and raised in a small town in the mountains of North Carolina, Kirsten moved to New York City at the age of seventeen to attend college. She continues to reside and work in the city, contributing over a dozen middle grade and YA novels to her name. She humorously notes that she is not the author of All That Is Left, another book by a writer named Kirsten Miller.