Hajime Isayama is a Japanese manga artist, known for his exceptional work as the author and illustrator of the acclaimed series Attack on Titan. Born on August 29, 1986, in Ōyama, Ōita, Japan, Isayama showed an early interest in manga and storytelling.
In 2006, he applied for the Magazine Grand Prix (MGP) promoted by Kodansha Ltd., where his work, Attack on Titan, was awarded the Fine Work award. This series, running from 2009 to 2021, became one of the best-selling manga series of all time, with 140 million copies in circulation as of November 2023.
Isayama has been honored with several prestigious awards, including the Kodansha Manga Award in 2011, a Harvey Award in 2014, and the Fauve Spécial award at the 50th Angoulême International Comics Festival in 2023. He has cited artists such as Tsutomu Nihei, Ryōji Minagawa, Kentaro Miura, Hideki Arai, and Tōru Mitsumine as influences, with the manga ARMS having the biggest impact on his work.