douard Louis

douard Louis, born Eddy Bellegueule, is a French writer known for his works that often reflect on social issues and his own experiences growing up in France. Louis grew up in Hallencourt, Somme, and later attended a theater class at the Lycée Madeleine Michelis in Amiens.

Between 2008 and 2010, he served as a delegate of the Amiens Academy to the National Council for High School Life. He then went on to study history at the University of Picardy. From 2011, Louis pursued sociology studies at the cole Normale Supérieure (ENS) on rue d'Ulm.

In 2013, he legally changed his name to douard Louis. That same year, he directed a collective work on Pierre Bourdieu titled Pierre Bourdieu. Insubordination as a Legacy, which was published by the Presses Universitaires de France (PUF). The work analyzes the influence of Bourdieu on critical thinking and emancipation policies. In March 2014, Louis announced that he would be directing a collection.

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