Anne Michaud

Anne Michaud is a distinguished figure in journalism, serving as the politics editor for Crain's NY Business and an assistant managing editor. Prior to her current roles, she contributed her expertise to The Wall Street Journal and penned a nationally syndicated op-ed column for Newsday. Michaud's work has been widely recognized, leading to her being named "Columnist of the Year" twice by prestigious New York journalism associations. Throughout her illustrious career, she has garnered more than 25 writing and reporting awards.

Michaud's journalistic pursuits have led her to cover significant political events and personalities, including Bill Clinton’s 1996 re-election campaign, Anthony Weiner’s 2005 mayoral bid, and Eliot Spitzer’s rise and fall as New York’s governor between 2006 and 2008. Her writing has been featured in notable publications such as Ms., the Los Angeles Times, The Boston Globe, Newsweek,, and Crain's NY Business, among others.

In addition to her written work, Michaud has made appearances on numerous TV, radio, and podcast programs, showcasing her expertise on a variety of platforms. She is a graduate of the Columbia University Graduate School of Journalism and currently resides in New York with her family.

Michaud is also the author of "Why They Stay: Sex Scandals, Deals, and Hidden Agendas of Nine Political Wives", a book that has won multiple national book honors, including in the categories of Women’s Issues and Current Events. A second edition, updated to include Donald and Melania Trump, was published in 2021, along with an e-book, "American Czarina".

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