America's Test Kitchen is a renowned American cooking show, initially named America's Test Kitchen from Cook's Illustrated Magazine. It is a half-hour long show broadcast by public television stations and Create, distributed by American Public Television. Originally hosted by Christopher Kimball, the program is currently co-hosted by Julia Collin Davison and Bridget Lancaster. The show features test cooks filmed in a real, working test kitchen.
Hosts Davison and Lancaster, alongside chefs Keith Dresser, Becky Hayes, Lan Lam, Erin McMurrer, Elle Simone Scott, and Dan Souza, prepare recipes while discussing what works, what doesn't, and why. They highlight the rigorous recipe testing process, which is central to the test kitchen's mission. Equipment expert Adam Ried, gadget critic Lisa McManus, and tasting expert Jack Bishop guide viewers on choosing the best gear and ingredients.
The show is affiliated with America's Test Kitchen, publishers of Cook's Illustrated and Cook's Country magazines. Since Season 19, the show is recorded at ATK's test kitchen facility at the Innovation and Design Building in Boston, Massachusetts.
On February 2, 2023, Marquee Brands became a majority owner of ATK (America's Test Kitchen Limited Partnership) and its associated brands, including Cook's Illustrated and Cook's Country. However, on March 24, 2023, America's Test Kitchen laid off 23 workers, about 10 percent of its staff, including the entire team that worked on the ATK Kids brand.