Ally Carter

Ally Carter, born Sarah Leigh Fogleman on January 1, 1974, is a celebrated American author specializing in young adult fiction and adult fiction novels. Her journey into the world of literature began with the publication of her first book, Trampa en solitario, in 2005. Carter is widely recognized for her captivating series in young adult literature, including the Gallagher Girls and Heist Society, as well as the Embassy Row series.

Carter's writing often delves into the lives of sneaky characters and includes themes revolving around espionage and adventure. She has earned a place as a New York Times Best-selling author, with her books being published in over twenty languages worldwide. For younger readers, her work WINTERBORNE HOME FOR VENGEANCE AND VALOR adds to her diverse portfolio. Carter encourages her readers to visit her online platforms for more insights into her work.

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