Books with category 🦄 Fantasy
Displaying books 49-50 of 50 in total

Tuck Everlasting


by Natalie Babbitt

Tuck Everlasting explores the concept of immortality through the story of the Tuck family. The Tucks have a secret: they are doomed to - or perhaps blessed with - eternal life after drinking from a magic spring. They strive to live inconspicuously and comfortably, avoiding the complications of an unending existence.

When ten-year-old Winnie Foster stumbles upon their secret, the Tucks bring her into their fold and share the harsh realities of living forever at one age. The idea of eternal life might seem desirable, but the Tucks reveal why it's not as great as it appears.

The plot thickens when Winnie is pursued by a stranger with nefarious intentions. This individual has learned about the spring and sees an opportunity to exploit its powers for a fortune. The Tucks must navigate this challenging situation, protecting both their secret and Winnie.

With lovely prose and thought-provoking themes, Tuck Everlasting is a compelling tale that delves into the universal human desire for eternal life and the important lessons found in the natural cycle of life.

Shadows of Self

Shadows of Self is the sequel to The Allow of Law, part of the Mistborn series. When family obligations forced Waxillium Ladrian to forsake the frontier lands and return to the metropolis of his birth to take his place as head of a noble House, he little imagined that the crime-fighting skills acquired during twenty years in the dusty plains would be just as applicable in the big city.

He soon learned that there too, just being a talented Twinborn —one who can use both Allomancy and Feruchemy, the dominant magical modes on Scadrial —would not suffice. This bustling, optimistic, but still shaky society will now face its first test by terrorism and assassination, crimes intended to stir up labor strife and religious conflict. Wax, his eccentric sidekick Wayne, and brilliant, beautiful young Marasi, now officially part of the constabulary, must unravel the conspiracy before civil strife can stop Scadrial's progress in its tracks.

Sanderson's fantasy world partakes equally of steampunk, early industry, and the Wild West, and he cleverly incorporates the metal-shaping magic of feruchemists and allomancers. Fantasy fans will savor this exciting escapade.

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