بالأبيض على الأسود

بالأبيض على الأسود is a poignant autobiographical novel by Rubén González Gallego, who was born with cerebral palsy in Moscow. His story is one of survival and resilience, having been hidden away in Soviet state institutions by his maternal grandfather, the secretary general of the Spanish Communist Party in the 1960s.

Despite a boyhood filled with emotional deprivation, neglect, and mistreatment in orphanages, hospitals, and old-age homes, Gallego's narrative shines with moments of shared small pleasures, courage, and the indomitable power of the human will. As he grows, so does his fascination with books and the worlds within them, offering a glimpse of hope and a testament to life's enduring possibilities.

بالأبيض على الأسود is a call to life and hope, even amidst the pages of sorrow and the harshness of life's realities.

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No tales to tell here. A perfect spot for new legends! 🐉.

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