Patience's Love

Two people, each with a secret which could end in death; her by his hand, he in an English prison. One knows the truth, one will find out. When they meet, it will be an explosive seventeenth century, high seas, action adventure, intrigue, and romance.

Patience Douglas was to be the most shy, demur, fragile, docile creature on the face of the earth. In short, everything Patty MacDouglas (Captain Flame) was not. She would dress in the most feminine and frilly dresses, with her hair left long, and she would even use a breathless coy tone of voice to further separate the two personalities...

Terrance Bordeaux was a disappointment to his family, a fop in the truest sense of the word. Traveling at a whim, dressing in whatever the latest fashion and spending his father's wealth without concern, quite unlike the businesslike Terror of the Seas. Fate put the two together; however, could either trust enough to allow the other to see their true self?

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