The Emperor's Soul is a captivating tale of magic and intrigue, set in the same universe as the popular novel, Elantris. The story follows Shai, a master Forger, who possesses the unique ability to flawlessly copy and re-create any item by rewriting its history with skillful magic.
After being condemned to death for attempting to steal the emperor’s scepter, Shai is offered a single chance to save herself. Despite the disdain her captors have for her abilities, she is tasked with the impossible: to create a new soul for the emperor, who is on the brink of death.
As Shai delves deep into the life of Emperor Ashravan, she uncovers his true nature and seizes the opportunity to exploit it. Her only potential ally is councilor Gaotona, a man fiercely loyal to the emperor, who must overcome his own prejudices to see the artistry in Shai’s forgery.
Brimming with magic and political intrigue, this deftly woven fantasy explores the essence of a living spirit and the intricate dance between artistry and deception.
No chapters here. The plot thickens elsewhere! 🧐.