Manifesto of the Free People's Union


by Jakub Lasak

The Manifesto of the Free People’s Union presents the faults of the following systems:

The Political System
The political system is not about creating the best solutions for people, but about politicians fighting for power for themselves.

The Financial System
The banking system enslaves us and makes us poorer due to the system of fractional reserve, inflation, and other aspects.

The Education System
The education system does not teach us anything useful. It forces us to memorize things such as maps, useless facts, or solving math equations, as it was useful in the 20th century, but not now.

Health Care
The health care system is broken because, for example, pharmaceutical companies don’t want to prevent illnesses, but to keep us ill as long as possible to earn more money.

It also presents faults in areas such as economic system, media, food, and others. Then, it proposes, with all the details, a whole new system that will serve us. For example, it presents a new political system, in which governments consist of the best specialist that create solutions which we, the people, can accept or reject.

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