In the second installment of the DCYE series, the conflicting love triangle between Jase, Kinsley and Klive intensifies.
Klive’s superiors command him to stay away from Kinsley. Jase makes a move toward commitment. After an Inferno biker crosses the line with Kinsley, Jase takes a violent stand while Klive defies orders in favor of defending her.
Shocked by a side of Jase she’s never seen before, the biker’s behavior and Klive’s sudden distance, she doesn’t know who to trust. When an old nemesis with eyes for Jase reappears in her life, will Kinsley take Jase’s offer to be together, or will she draw near to the man she thinks is the safer option, never knowing she’s amplifying the threat to her life?
A mystery is unfolding. Clues (and content) are coming! 🔍.